Cloudflare Workers supports building real-time APIs with Cloudflare Workers through their Durable Objects API. You can define your handler and your DurableObject manually if you need more control, but if you'd like to get started quickly, check out createPluvHandler.
Using with Cloudflare Workers (manual)
Let's step through how we'd put together a real-time API for Cloudflare Workers. The examples below assumes a basic understanding of Cloudflare Workers and Durable Objects.
Install dependencies
# For the server
npm install @pluv/io @pluv/platform-cloudflare
# Server peer-dependencies
npm install zod
Create PluvIO instance
Define an io (websocket client) instance on the server codebase:
// server/io.ts
import { createIO } from "@pluv/io";
import { platformCloudflare } from "@pluv/platform-cloudflare";
import { eq } from "drizzle-orm";
import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/d1";
import { schema } from "./schema";
export type Env = {
DB: D1Database;
export const io = createIO({
platform: platformCloudflare<Env>({
* Specify whether WebSocket event listeners should be "attached" to
* or "detached" from the WebSocket upon registration.
* Event listeners should be "detached" to use Cloudflare's WebSocket
* hibernation.
mode: "detached", // @default = "detached"
export const ioServer = io.server({
// Example of using Cloudflare's D1 database with drizzle-orm
getInitialStorage: async ({ env, room }) => {
const db = drizzle(env.DB, { schema });
const existingRoom = await db
.select({ encodedState: schema.rooms.encodedState })
.where(eq(, room))
return existingRoom?.encodedState ?? null;
onRoomDeleted: async ({ encodedState, env, room }) => {
const db = drizzle(env.DB, { schema });
await db
name: room,
set: { encodedState },
// Export the ioServer type, so that this can be type-imported on the
// frontend
export type AppPluvIO = typeof ioServer
Attach to a RoomDurableObject
Next, create a RoomDurableObject
and attach our new PluvServer
to the RoomDurableObject
// server/RoomDurableObject.ts
import { type InferIORoom } from "@pluv/io";
import { AppPluvIO, Env, ioServer } from "./io";
export class RoomDurableObject implements DurableObject {
private _room: IORoom<CloudflarePlatform>;
constructor(state: DurableObjectState, env: Env) {
this._room = ioServer.createRoom(, { env, state });
// Only needed if using "detached" mode (i.e. hibernation)
public async webSocketClose(ws: WebSocket, code: number, reason: string): Promise<void> {
const handler = this._room.onClose(ws);
await handler({ code, reason });
// Only needed if using "detached" mode (i.e. hibernation)
public async webSocketError(ws: WebSocket, error: unknown): Promise<void> {
const handler = this._room.onError(ws);
const eventError = error instanceof Error ? error : new Error("Internal Error");
await handler({ error: eventError, message: eventError.message });
// Only needed if using "detached" mode (i.e. hibernation)
public async webSocketMessage(ws: WebSocket, message: string | ArrayBuffer): Promise<void> {
const handler = this._room.onMessage(ws);
await handler({ data: message });
async fetch(request: Request) {
if (request.headers.get("Upgrade") !== "websocket") {
return new Response("Expected WebSocket", { status: 400 });
const { 0: client, 1: server } = new WebSocketPair();
// Only needed if you have configured authentication
const token = new URL(request.url).searchParams.get("token");
await this._room.register(
// Only needed if you have configured authentication
{ token },
return new Response(null, { status: 101, webSocket: client });
Forward request to RoomDurableObject
Lastly, integrate your RoomDurableObject
with your Cloudflare Worker's default handler:
// server/index.ts
const parseRoomId = (url: string): string => {
/* get room from req.url */
const handler = {
async fetch(req: Request, env: Env): Promise<Response> {
const roomId = parseRoomId(req.url);
// In wrangler.toml:
// [durable_objects]
// bindings = [{ name = "rooms", class_name = "RoomDurableObject" }]
const durableObjectId = env.rooms.idFromString(roomId);
const room = env.rooms.get(durableObjectId);
return room.fetch(request);
export default handler;
If you don't need to modify your DurableObject or Cloudflare Worker handler too specifically, @pluv/platform-cloudflare also provides a function createPluvHandler
to create a DurableObject and handler for you automatically.
import { createIO } from "@pluv/io";
import {
} from "@pluv/platform-cloudflare";
const io = createIO({ platform: platformCloudflare() });
const ioServer = io.server();
const Pluv = createPluvHandler({
// Your PluvServer instance
io: ioServer,
// Your durable object binding, defined in wrangler.toml
binding: "rooms",
// Optional: Specify the base path from which endpoints are defined
endpoint: "/api/pluv", // default
// If your PluvIO instance defines authorization, add your authorization
// logic here. Return a user if authorized, return null or throw an error
// if not authorized.
authorize(request: Request, roomId: string): Promise<User> {
return {
id: "abc123",
name: "leedavidcs"
// Optional: If you want to modify your response before it is returned
modify: (request, response) => {
if (request.headers.get("Upgrade") === "websocket") return response;
// Add custom headers if you want
response.headers.append("access-control-allow-origin", "*");
return response;
// Export your Cloudflare Worker DurableObject with your own custom name
// Then in wrangler.toml:
// [durable_objects]
// bindings = [{ name = "rooms", class_name = "RoomDurableObject" }]
export const RoomDurableObject = Pluv.DurableObject;
// Export your Cloudflare Worker handler
export default Pluv.handler;
// Alternatively, define your own custom handler
export default {
async fetch(request: Request, env: Env): Promise<Response> {
const response = await Pluv.fetch(request, env);
// matched with the Pluv handler, return response
if (response) return response;
// didn't match with Pluv handler, add your own worker logic
// ...
return new Response("Not found", { status: 404 });