is in preview! Please wait for a v1.0.0 stable release before using this in production.

Define Events

In, you can define custom events with an input validation schema and a function, and have them be automatically type-safe without having to manage your own types.

Usage example

import { createIO } from "@pluv/io";
import { platformNode } from "@pluv/platform-node";
import { z } from "zod";

const io = createIO({ platform: platformNode() });

// Create your custom events as procedures
const sendMessage = io.procedure
    .input(z.object({ message: z.string() }))
    .broadcast(({ message }) => ({
        receiveMessage: { message },

const doubleValue = io.procedure
    .input(z.object({ value: z.number() }))
    .broadcast(({ value }) => ({
        receiveValue: { value: value * 2 },

const wave = io.procedure
    .broadcast(() => ({
        receiveMessage: { message: "Hello world!" },

// Then add the procedures to your router
const router = io.router({

// Lastly, add the router to your server, so that it can begin accepting custom events
const server = io.server({ router });

// Export the io type instance of the io itself
export type AppPluvIO = typeof server;

Next steps