is in preview! Please wait for a v1.0.0 stable release before using this in production.

API Reference


Returns a PluvClient instance

Create a frontend PluvClient that will create rooms to connect to your server's PluvIO instance.

createClient basic example

If you've created a basic PluvIO backend without any auth, you can create a PluvClient with your websocket connection endpoint.

// frontend/io.ts

import { createClient } from "@pluv/client";
import type { ioServer } from "./server/pluv-io";

const io = createClient({
     * Use this `infer` property to connect your ioServer type
     * This is used because of TypeScript limitations with partial
     * inference
    infer: (i) => ({ io: i<typeof ioServer> }),
     * Optional: Define the initial storage for rooms that are created.
     * This can be overwritten in `createRoom`
    initialStorage: yjs.doc(() => ({
        messages: yjs.array<string>([]),
     * Optional: Add this property if additional data is needed to be
     * passed to endpoints. 
    metadata: z.object({
        baseWsUrl: z.string(),
    // Optional: Define your presence schema
    presence: z.object({
        selectionId: z.string().nullable(),
    // Defaults to ({ room }) => `/api/pluv/room/${room}`
    // This is the default from `createPluvHandler`.
    wsEndpoint: ({ metadata, room }) => {
        return `${metadata.baseWsUrl}/api/room?room=${room}`;

createClient with auth endpoint

If your PluvIO implements auth, you will need to specify an authEndpoint on your frontend client.

import { createClient } from "@pluv/client";

const io = createClient({
    authEndpoint: ({ room }) => `/api/room/auth?room=${room}`,
    wsEndpoint: ({ room }) => `/api/room?room=${room}`,
    // ...

createClient with fetch options

If you need to use a POST request or specify additional headers, you can return an object containing options for fetch (for authEndpoint only).

// frontend/io.ts

import { createClient } from "@pluv/client";

const io = createClient({
    authEndpoint: ({ room }) => ({
        url: "/api/room/auth",
        // specify fetch options here
        options: {
            method: "post",
            body: JSON.stringify({ room }),
    // ...


This is the client returned by createClient.


Returns a PluvRoom instance

Create a PluvRoom that websockets can join and leave. The second argument is an optional configuration for presence and storage. See the example below for the available properties of the configuration.

// frontend/room.ts
import { createClient } from "@pluv/client";
import { yjs } from "@pluv/crdt-yjs";
import { z } from "zod";
import type { ioServer } from "./server/pluv-io";

export const io = createClient({
     * Optional: Define the initial storage for rooms that are created.
     * This can be overwritten in `createRoom`
    initialStorage: yjs.doc(() => ({
        messages: yjs.array<string>([]),
     * Optional: Add this property if additional data is needed to be
     * passed to endpoints. 
    metadata: z.object({
        baseWsUrl: z.string(),
    // Optional: Define your presence schema
    presence: z.object({
        selectionId: z.string().nullable(),
    // ...

const router = io.router({ /* ... */ });

const room = io.createRoom("my-example-room", {
    // Define the user's initial presence
    initialPresence: {
        selectionId: null,
    // Overwritten from client
    initialStorage: yjs.doc(() => ({
        messages: yjs.array(["hello world!"]),
    // If your client specifies metadata
    metadata: {
        baseUrl: "ws://localhost:3000",
    // Optional: Define type-safe events to broadcast to connected peers


Returns Promise<PluvRoom>

Establishes a websocket connection with a room. If the PluvClient specifies an authEndpoint, the endpoint will be called when this function is called. Returns the PluvRoom that was entered.

Note: This method will fail if the room does not already exist beforehand.

// frontend/room.ts
const room = io.createRoom("my-example-room", { /* ... */})

// Enter room by room name
io.enter("my-example-room").then(() => {
    console.log("Connected to: my-example-room");

// Alternatively, you can pass the PluvRoom instance
io.enter(room).then(() => {
    console.log("Connected to: my-example-room");


Returns a PluvRoom instance or null if none is found

// frontend/room.ts
const room = io.getRoom("my-example-room");


Returns PluvRoom[]

Retrieves all active rooms under the current PluvClient instance.

// frontend/room.ts
const rooms = io.getRooms();


Returns void

Disconnects from a PluvRoom and deletes the room on the PluvClient. If the room does not exist, nothing happens and the function returns immediately.

// frontend/room.ts
const room = io.createRoom("my-example-room", { /* ... */})

// Leave room by room name

// Alternatively, you can pass the PluvRoom instance


Creates a new type-safe event procedure to be broadcasted from PluvClient. See Define Events for more information.

import { createClient } from "@pluv/client";
import { z } from "zod";

const io = createClient({ /* ... */ });

const sendMessage = io.procedure
    .input(z.object({ message: z.string() }))
    .broadcast(({ message }) => ({ receiveMessage: { message } }));

const doubleValue = io.procedure
    .input(z.object({ value: z.number() }))
    .broadcast(({ value }) => ({ receiveValue: { value: value * 2 } }));

const wave = io.procedure
    .broadcast(() => ({ receiveMessage: { message: "Hello world!" } }));


Creates a new type-safe event procedure router to attach events and connect to a PluvRoom via PluvRoom.createRoom. See Define Events for more information.

import { createClient } from "@pluv/client";
import { z } from "zod";

const io = createClient({ /* ... */ });

const sendMessage = io.procedure
    .input(z.object({ message: z.string() }))
    .broadcast(({ message }) => ({ receiveMessage: { message } }));

const doubleValue = io.procedure
    .input(z.object({ value: z.number() }))
    .broadcast(({ value }) => ({ receiveValue: { value: value * 2 } }));

const wave = io.procedure
    .broadcast(() => ({ receiveMessage: { message: "Hello world!" } }));

const router = io.router({


This is the room returned by PluvClient.createRoom.


Type of WebSocket | null

This is the WebSocket that is created and attached to the room when connected to.


Returns void

Broadcasts an event to all websockets connected to the room.

// frontend/room.ts

// The below 2 statements are equivalent
room.broadcast("sendMessage", { message: "Hello world~!" });

room.broadcast.sendMessage({ message: "Hello world~!" });


Returns boolean

Checks whether calling PluvRoom.redo will mutate storage.

// frontend/room.ts
const canRedo: boolean = room.canRedo();


Returns boolean

Checks whether calling PluvRoom.undo will mutate storage.

// frontend/room.ts
const canUndo: boolean = room.canUndo();


Returns Promise<void>

Connects to the room if not connected to already. If an authEndpoint is configured, this function will call your authEndpoint.

// frontend/room.ts
room.connect().then(() => {
    console.log(`Connected to room: ${}`);


Returns void

Disconnects from the room if already connected.


Returns () => void

Subscribes to an event. These events are defined by PluvIO.procedure and are emitted when other websockets emit events via PluvRoom.broadcast.

// Subscribe to receiveMessage messages

// The below 2 statements are equivalent
const unsubscribe = room.event("receiveMessage", ({ data }) => {

const unsubscribe = room.event.receiveMessage(({ data }) => {

// ...

// Unsubscribe to the listener later on.


Returns WebSocketConnection

This returns state information for the current connection to this room.

const connection = room.getConnection();


Returns AbstractCrdtDoc from @pluv/crdt

This returns an instance of the AbstractCrdtDoc that holds the underlying CRDT doc. For instance, when using @pluv/crdt-yjs, this will hold a yjs doc in its value property.

import { yjs } from "@pluv/crdt-yjs";
import { Doc as YDoc } from "yjs";

const doc: yjs.CrdtYjsDoc<any> = room.getDoc();
const ydoc: YDoc = doc.value;


Returns TPresence | null

Returns the user's current presence data.

const myPresence = room.getMyPresence();


Returns UserInfo | null

Returns a user info object containing data used when generating the JWT during authentication (see Authorization), the user's presence, and the user's connection id.

const myself = room.getMyself();


Returns UserInfo | null

Returns a user info object for the given connectionId.

// const connectionId = "some connection id of another connection"

const other = room.getOther(connectionId);


Returns UserInfo[]

Returns all user info objects for connections that are not the current user's.

const others = room.getOthers();


Returns a CrdtAbstractType from @pluv/crdt that holds a CRDT shared type. For instance, if using @pluv/crdt-yjs, the CrdtAbstractType will hold a yjs shared type in its value property.

// frontend/room.ts
import { yjs } from "@pluv/crdt-yjs";
import { z } from "zod";

// const io = ...

const room = io.createRoom("my-example-room", {
    initialPresence: {
        selectionId: null,
    // Define the initial storage for the room
    initialStorage: yjs.doc(() => ({
        messages: yjs.array(["hello world!"]),

// Get messages as defined from the `createRoom` config
const messages: YArray = room.getStorage("messages");


Returns () => void

Subscribes to a given user info object for a connection that isn't the current user's.

// const connectionId = "some connection id of another connection"

const unsubscribe = room.other(connectionId, ({
}) => {
    console.log(connectionId, presence, user);

// ...

// Unsubscribe to the listener later on.


Returns void

Re-applies the last mutation that was undone via PluvRoom.undo.

// frontend/room.ts

Returns () => void

Subscribes to a given root-level value in the room's document storage. The data in the callback will be a serialized value rather than the CRDT's instance.

// frontend/room.ts
import { yjs } from "@pluv/crdt-yjs";
import { z } from "zod";

// const io = ...

const room = io.createRoom("my-example-room", {
    // Define the user's initial presence
    initialPresence: {
        selectionId: null,
    // Override initialStorage defined in createClient
    initialStorage: yjs.doc(() => ({
        messages: yjs.array(["hello world!"]),

const unsubscribe ="messages", (messages: string[]) => {

    // If the AbstractCrdtType is needed, you call call getStorage here.
    const sharedType = room.getStorage("messages");

// ...

// Unsubscribe to the listener later on.


Returns () => void

Subscribes to the user's connection state.

const unsubscribe = room.subscribe("connection", ({
    // The user's authorization state: { token, user }
    // The user's connection state: { id, state }
    // The user's websocket
}) => {
    console.log(authorization, connection, webSocket);

// ...

// Unsubscribe to the listener later on.


Returns () => void

Subscribes to the user's presence state.

const unsubscribe = room.subscribe("my-presence", (myPresence) => {

// ...

// Unsubscribe to the listener later on.


Returns () => void

Subscribes to the user's info object.

const unsubscribe = room.subscribe("myself", (myself) => {

// ...

// Unsubscribe to the listener later on.


Returns () => void

Subscribes to the list of user info objects of the other connections that aren't the user's.

const unsubscribe = room.subscribe("others", (others) => {

// ...

// Unsubscribe to the listener later on.


Returns void

Performs a mutation that can be tracked as an operation to be undone/redone (undo/redo). When called without an origin, the origin will default to the user's connection id.

You can specify a 2nd parameter to transact with a different transaction origin.

// frontend/transact
room.transact((tx) => {
    room.get("messages").push(["hello world!"]);

    // Alternatively, access your storage from here
    tx.messages.push(["hello world!"]);

// This will also be undoable if `"user-123"` is a tracked origin.
room.transact(() => {
    room.get("messages").push(["hello world!"]);
}, "user-123");


Returns void

Undoes the last mutation that was applied via PluvRoom.transact.

// frontend/room.ts