is in preview! Please wait for a v1.0.0 stable release before using this in production.

Creating Rooms

Rooms are the channels that WebSockets can enter and leave (i.e. connect and disconnect). Events emitted by sockets in a room will be broadcasted only to other sockets within the same room.

Creating a PluvRoom

To create a PluvRoom, you must first have a PluvClient defined. Refer to the create client documentation to do so.

// frontend/room.ts

import { createClient } from "@pluv/client";
import { yjs } from "@pluv/crdt-yjs";
import { z } from "zod";
import type { ioServer } from "./server/pluv-io";

export const client = createClient({
    infer: (i) => ({ io: i<typeof ioServer> }),
     * Define the initial storage for rooms that are created.
     * This can be overwritten in `createRoom`
    initialStorage: yjs.doc(() => ({
        messages: yjs.array<string>([]),
    // Define your presence schema
    presence: z.object({
        selectionId: z.string().nullable(),
    // ...

const room = client.createRoom("my-test-room", {
    // Define the user's initial presence value
    initialPresence: {
        selectionId: null,
    // Overwritten from client
    initialStorage: yjs.doc(() => ({
        messages: yjs.array(["hello world!"]),

Connect to your PluvRoom

import { client } from "./io";

// connect by room name
await client.enter(ROOM_NAME);

// or connect by room instance
await client.enter(room);

Leave your PluvRoom

import { client } from "./io";

// leave by room name

// or leave by room instance